Welcome Augusta Ranch Residents!
General information is provided to all homeowners via the Augusta Ranch HOA site. This site requires a user id and password if looking for community information. The HOA office is located in the same building as the golf course Pro Shop.
Parking overnight in the parking lot at the golf course / restaurant is allowed as long as the overnight parking agreement has been filled out and submitted. This paperwork needs to be in the hands of the golf staff.
Welcome Augusta Ranch Resident Golfers!
For those that just moved in, welcome to the community. For our neighbors that we haven't met yet, come on in, introduce yourself, bring a bill with your address on it and we will get you set up. As a Resident in Augusta Ranch, there is a discount on Merchandise purchased in the golf shop and a discounted Green Fee.
When you are ready for your first round of golf, book your resident rate tee time on any of our booking engines (Facebook, iPhone app, Droid app, Website) by using your exclusive promo code - arhoa. Simply book your time and on the final page type in your promo code and voila! Your resident discount is applied.
Remember, you can book 7 days in advance at the 25% discount; good for up to four people.
There are other discounts and specials. Explore this website to take advantage!